Monday, March 2, 2009

Not So Fast

Monday has arrived and they have begun to clear Pip and Jasons', lot next to ours. We have spoken to the builder, John Harris, about moving our house back from the road about 75 feet. He is concerned about the caves and soft ground under what will be our patio and cistern. We requested that he meet with the person who did our soil tests, Phil Freytag, to determine if we can move the house back from the road where we would like it. The land under Pip and Jasons' lot has a lot more soft areas than ours, so we are crossing our fingers that the land under ours can support the structure.

John is concerned with the structure failing at some point in time and would rather error to the side of caution but we will find out if he has changed his recommendations tomorrow after he has consulted with Phil. We are trying to avoid driving pilings. We have decided to delay having our lot cleared until we make a decision on the house location.

We have also heard thru the grapevine that our original contractor is constucting a new job at Wagner's Landing. I don't know if it was a job that was previously bid or if he is back in the construction business. I'm thinking that he doesn't want to deal with some of the people in the Shores, but I hope that's not the case.

I continue to get ready for the drive to Belize. The tankless water heater is due to arrive on Thursday. I found a Rheem tankless water heater that will handle two showers and a washer all at the same time. It is a commercial model that should last for a long time. After searching the internet, I found this Rheem GT-199XP using LP for $897 with no tax or shipping. And it comes with a $300 federal tax credit, so the actual cost in $597. Such a deal. I have also found out that propane and butane are virtually interchangable. There is almost always butane mixed in with the propane. Butane just doesn't work well in freezing temps, but I don't think that will be a problem in Belize.

I am also bringing down some artificial turf so I can design a putting green. I have ordered cups, pins and flags and I am reading all I can find on how to build a green. At some point in time I would like to help restore the greens at the Consejo Shores golf course. It is a large undertaking, but I'm sure I will get help along the way.

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